New Army Body Fat Calculator
Your trusted tool for achieving fitness and meeting army standards.
Calculate Your Body Fat Percentage
Enter your details below to find out your body fat percentage:
Your Body Fat Percentage:
Stay motivated and keep achieving your health goals!
How to Use
- Select your gender from the dropdown menu.
- Enter your age, height, neck, and waist measurements.
- If you are female, also enter your hip measurement.
- Click the "Calculate" button to get your body fat percentage.
- Use the results to guide your fitness journey and meet army standards.
Frequently Asked Questions
What is the Army Body Fat Calculator?
This tool calculates your body fat percentage based on the U.S. Army standards, ensuring accuracy and reliability for fitness evaluations.
How accurate is this calculator?
The calculator uses formulas recommended by the U.S. Army, providing precise results when measurements are entered correctly.
Can I use this tool for personal fitness goals?
Absolutely! This tool is perfect for anyone looking to track their body fat percentage and achieve fitness milestones.